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Parvathi’s Journey: Diabetes, IBS, Autoimmunity

diabetes ibs autoimmunity diet khushboo jain tibrewala nutritionist india

Meet Parvathi!

A 35-year-old, Female, living in California, USA.

When she first approached us, Parvathi presented Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol Levels, IBS – Diarrhea type, Vasculitis and Stage 4 Endometriosis. She was running to the bathroom 5-6 times daily, she was on 2000 mg of Metformin to manage sugar levels, was on medication for lowering Blood Pressure and Progesterone for Endometriosis.

She had tried several US-based diet programs but none of them worked because of the cultural differences in our diet structure.

She had one ask – to be able to enjoy regular Indian foods without worry about glucose spikes, bathroom runs and muscle wasting. She wanted a solution that would give her her life back.

Initial Goal: To stabilize blood sugar levels and Improve Gut Health

Our Analysis

This was one of our longer assessment sessions. We went deep into her health history, childhood, family history, interpersonal relations, blood work, stress levels, sleep schedule, eating preferences and so much more.

We found that despite having an overall healthy diet and regular exercise, she had several health disorders. It was also difficult to stabilise blood sugar levels due to several reasons:

  1. Recent childbirth
  2. Several health issues developed from an early age, escalated when she moved to USA and then further escalated when she conceived.
  3. High stress levels due to the baby and around her health, mainly the bathroom runs.
  4. Frequent bouts of diarrhoea often spiked blood sugar levels
  5. The level of inflammation in the body was high
  6. Had poor-quality sleep and was tired throughout the day

This deep analysis allowed us to identify the areas that needed to be worked on and they went beyond just working on the diet.

Our Journey Together

Phase 1: Managing the IBS & Unstable Glucose Levels

We started by working on improving gut health since that was a major cause of concern. It was tackled with a two-pronged approach of managing the health-associated anxiety as well as going on a low FODMAP diet to manage the diarrhoea. Within 15 days there was a reduction in the frequency of diarrhea which also helped manage the blood glucose levels as well.
Once there was an improvement in her gut symptoms, the diet was altered to start working on the root cause of diabetes – insulin resistance. We gradually moved to a low Glycemic Index diet while staying within the norms of low FODMAP. This was challenging but her hard work got us there.

Phase 2: Reducing Inflammation

The two major bottle necks out, we got to working on the ticking time bomb – low grade chronic inflammation. Since she had Vasculitis and a strong family history too, this needed to be addressed on priority. With gradually added anti-inflammatory foods like curry leaves, aloe vera, liquorice, broccoli, etc. These combined with weight training and meditation was golden combination. When it comes to inflammation, we must not forget “nature”. Adding some simple activities where you interact with nature really helps in bringing down your inflammation.

If you’d like to understand inflammation in depth, you can read here.

Phase 3: Getting Off Medication
With a holistic approach towards health, we worked on fixing insulin resistance in addition to everyday management of sugars. With our combined efforts there was a gradual improvement in insulin function and a gradual reduction in the medication – Metformin.
The dose of medication was reduced from 2000 mg a day to 500 mg and then going completely off them. Remission in her case was tougher because of insurance technicalities in the US. But, she did down to 5.4% HbA1c, perfect fasting and post prandial levels and normal blood pressure.

She is currently on her maintenance phase and she is going really well.


After 3 months of working together, there was an improvement in gut health and frequency of diarrhea, remission of diabetes with stable blood glucose levels and going off medicines and a reduction in overall inflammation.

There was also a major improvement in cholesterol levels, blood pressure, quality of life, energy levels, stress as well as sleep quality.


I’m off my diabetes medicines.

It took me only 3 months of work with Khushboo to get off my medicines and to make sure my glucose numbers are in normal range. She was available to answer all my questions, she worked with me according to my needs to reach the goals we discussed. I definitely recommend her to anyone who is looking to reverse their diabetes and go back to normal life.


While dealing with multiple health conditions at once, it is important to consider the body as a whole, because they are often interconnected. In Parvathi’s case it wasn’t a matter of diabetes vs gut but rather understanding that despite a healthy diet the diabetes was out control due to a poor gut.

A holistic management of health comes after a holistic assessment and a treatment plan designed specially for your health goals.
You can check out our Diabetes Reversal Program to start your journey to get off medications as well.

If you have health goals that you have been finding difficult to accomplish or plan for, feel free to book an exploratory call with. You can click on this link.

You can also get tons of tips on my Instagram. Click here to check it out.


All the best


Stay Healthy, Stay Unprocessed

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