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Best Diet Plan to Reverse Diabetes

Khushboo Jain Tibrewala, Best diet plan to reverse diabetes

As Indians, we are deeply rooted in our vibrant culinary traditions. From the aromatic spices of a home-cooked curry to the sweetness of traditional sweets, our food tells the story of our heritage. Every festival brings a plethora of delicacies, showcasing our love and passion for food.

Our food choices significantly influence our health. One such health condition has hit home for many of us. Yes, I’m talking about none other than Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. A condition that is deeply connected to ‘insulin resistance’ and falls under the broader category of metabolic syndrome, which also includes hypertension, dyslipidemia, PCOS, thyroid issues, and more.

If you’re worried that managing diabetes means giving up your favorite flavors, I come bearing ‘Good News’ – you don’t have to!!!!

Managing diabetes doesn’t mean saying goodbye to your favorite flavors. In fact, with the right plan, you can keep enjoying the meals you love while taking control of your health.

First up, Diet vs Medicine – what to pick?

Most often people think that once you’re on medication or insulin, there’s no turning back. However, this is absolutely untrue. Today we know so much about how the body works and the impact of food decisions, that reversal/ remission is a real possibility for so many of you. (Read my blog on Can Diabetes be Cured? to understand more). 

This program is designed to provide sound, sustainable and enjoyable meals for you and your child.

So, Let’s dive onto the juicy part – ‘A diet plan that will help reverse diabetes’ 

Khushboo Jain Tibrewala, Best diet plan to reverse diabetes

6 Steps to ‘Reverse Diabetes’

1. Start with a Morning Ritual

When it comes to mornings – It’s crucial to start right

Eating 1 tsp of ghee daily – it’s truly a GAME-CHANGER, Trust Me!!!! 

Our digestive system is most active in the morning, this makes it the perfect time to absorb nutrients efficiently. Ghee is packed with beneficial compounds that help manage blood sugar through the day.

Incorporating this daily will also set the tone for a more energetic and productive day. This is the easiest way of stabilizing glucose levels, which will lead to optimal glucose levels and lower HbA1c.

So, Say no more rollercoaster rides of highs and lows – just smooth sailing from sunrise to sunset.

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2. Break-your-Fast

Breakfast is a time to refuel the body after a night of fasting. In fact, a well-balanced breakfast can help reverse diabetes because insulin sensitivity is higher during the day compared to the night, which can potentially lower HbA1c levels and also help manage weight.

Moreover, starting your day with a nutritious meal can set a positive tone for the rest of the day, aiding in better energy levels, digestion and overall well-being.

But let’s face it – who has time to fuss over complicated meals in the morning?

The good news is that a healthy breakfast doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complicated. By choosing simple yet nutritious options, you can ensure you’re giving your body the fuel it needs without spending too much time in the kitchen.

Here are some easy, nutritious, and diabetic-friendly options for you…

      1. Sattu ki Chaas
      2. Sprouted Moth
      3. Dal Chilla
      4. Eggs with veggies

(You can find more inspiration here – free recipe book)

By opting for these quick and wholesome meals, you can ensure you’re starting your day on a healthy note while managing your diabetes effectively.

3. Lunch: It’s all about balance

Have you heard about the plate rule? Let’s picture our plate as a canvas:

      1. Start adding different colored vegetables
        • Make sure to fill half your plate with cooked vegetables, salads, chutney’s, etc
        • Add vibrant greens, reds, yellows, and oranges – the more colors, the better!
      2. Next, in 1/4th portion of your plate add lean proteins
        • The powerhouse keeping you satisfied and energized. Include masoor dal, rajma, chana, green moong dal, chole, sprouts, etc.
      3. Lastly, 1/4th portion should be for carbohydrates
        • Believe me, they are not your enemy. In fact, they fuel the body and more importantly – ‘the brain’. However, make sure to choose whole sources like ragi, amaranth, quinoa, kodo millet, brown rice, etc.
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Khushboo Jain Tibrewala, Best diet plan to reverse diabetes

4. Snacking Right

As the afternoon rolls around and your energy starts to dip, reach for a nutritious pick-me-up snack to keep you going. Consider this snack time your secret weapon for powering through the rest of the day. Snacking doesn’t have to be a guilty pleasure; instead, it can be an opportunity to nourish your body with the right nutrients.

Here are some delicious and diabetes-friendly snack options to help you stay on track without sacrificing taste or convenience.

      1. Trail mix made with Nuts, Seeds, and Dried Fruit
      2. Vegetable Bhel with Peanuts
      3. Fruits and Nuts
      4. Makhana Chat with Pumpkin Seeds

These quick and wholesome meals are packed with fiber and protein, keeping you satisfied and energized throughout the morning. Making wise snack choices allows you to effectively control your blood sugar levels, avoid unnecessary spikes, and keep your hunger in check throughout the day.

Snacking right is not about deprivation, it’s about embracing wholesome, nutritious foods that support your health goals.

These snack options provide the perfect balance of nutrients to help you stay energized and satisfied. Remember, the key is to focus on snacks that are low in refined sugars and high in fiber and protein. This approach will not only help in managing diabetes but also contribute to overall well-being.

So, next time you feel a craving coming on, reach for one of these diabetes-friendly snacks and enjoy the delicious and healthy benefits they offer.

5. Early Bird Dinner

Who says dinner has to wait until the sun goes down?

Not us! By shifting your dinner time up, you’re not just fueling up for the night – you’re giving your body the gift of extra time to digest and unwind.

When it comes to managing diabetes like a boss, ‘carb-smart’ cuisine work the best

Stick to a low carb or no carb diet – this helps with fat loss, which in turn will help lower blood sugar spikes, and insulin resistance. Choose from options like:

      1. Vegetable Dal Cheela with Green Chutney
      2. Kala Chana Chaat with Veggies
      3. Sprouts with lots of Vegetable
      4. Hummus Bowl with Veggie Sticks
      5. Missi Roti with Sabji
Khushboo Jain Tibrewala, Best diet plan to reverse diabetes

6. Night Time Routine

This is the most important part of the day..  As the day winds down, it’s essential to implement a soothing and effective night time routine to manage your fasting glucose levels the next day. This simple routine can help stabilize your blood sugar levels overnight, promoting better control of diabetes.

Here are some tips:

      1. End the day with a Light Walk: After dinner, take a short, gentle walk. A 10-15 minute stroll can aid in digestion, lower blood sugar levels, and prepare your body for a restful night’s sleep.
      2. Relax and Unwind: Engage in a calming activity that helps you de-stress. Reading a book, listening to soothing music, or practicing meditation can be very effective.
      3. Bedtime Snack: If you find your blood sugar levels tend to drop during the night, consider a small, healthy bedtime snack like ‘3-4 cashews OR 1/2 a cup of haldi doodh’ as they can provide a balanced combination of protein and healthy fats, helping to maintain steady blood sugar levels.
      4. Set a Consistent Sleep Schedule: Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Consistent sleep patterns support your body’s natural circadian rhythms, which can positively impact blood sugar regulation.

Integrating these steps into your nighttime routine will help you proactively manage your diabetes effectively. A well-rounded approach that includes balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and stress management is key to achieving and maintaining optimal blood sugar levels.

This is just the Tip of the ‘ICEBERG’ – Imagine enjoying delicious meals while taking control of your health and consider this the beginning of what you can achieve

I have a treasure of tips and strategies that can help you take charge of your health. From practical advice to mouth-watering recipes, you’ll find everything you need to transform your life for the better.

Take the Next Step NOW!!

Check out my Diabetes Reversal Program today!!! Together, let’s discover how you can balance delicious food and wellness effortlessly and take control of your health all at the same time.”

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